Therapy for Young Athletes

2419818303Hear Alex’s* thoughts about her challenges.

“I’m starting to feel like no matter how hard I try, I just can’t get it right on the court. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just me or if other athletes struggle like this, too.”

“The pressure to perform is overwhelming, and I’m unsure how long I can keep going like this.”

As an athlete, you’re probably pondering…

Alex was excited to walk onto her college campus as a D-1 athlete, feeling closer to her dream of playing in the WNBA. Confident after being one of the nation’s top 50 players, she has high expectations for herself. She noticed she was on the path to becoming the best on her college team.

“I was the best player on my team in middle school, travel team, and high school team, and now I am one step closer to the WNBA.”

However, despite her difficult start to college, her fall workouts, which should have been easy, turned into a daily struggle.

Alex used to be confident in her abilities, but now she constantly second-guesses herself. She sensed something was wrong and became wary of her coaches treating her differently, “I felt that I couldn’t talk with them.”

After researching, Alex recognized the importance of mental resilience, particularly for athletes who frequently face significant performance pressure. Sports therapy can play a crucial role in fostering this resilience, helping athletes manage stress and overcome setbacks.

781706839Going it alone didn’t help Alex.

She thought enduring the struggle would ultimately lead to a better outcome. She believed she could conceal her feelings by remaining silent, but unbeknownst to her, those around her were already aware.

Alex’s brother felt something was off and reached out to Alex’s childhood friend, who confirmed noticing the exact change in her behavior. Alex’s childhood friend also mentioned that one of her high school teammates had observed her absence from group chats and lack of response to text messages for the past four weeks.

The coaching staff felt that this was just part of the overall adjustment to college and Alex would be fine.

Alex’s brother reached out and shared his observations.

Alex confided in him, sharing her research and seeking his assistance finding a therapist. Alex’s brother felt he needed to involve their parents, not knowing how they would handle Alex’s situation. No one in their family went to general therapy. How would they even find a sports therapist?

After a few days, Alex’s brother mentioned some of the things Alex had been experiencing to their parents, as he didn’t want the situation to escalate and get out of control. Once Alex’s brother shared with their parents, they had many questions. “Should we take the chance? Perhaps this is just a stage and phase of her college growth. What if we are overreacting?” The therapist could guide Alex and reassure her that everything is fine.

Over many years of supporting student athletes, Alex’s family’s thoughts were similar to those of other families, wishing the issues would fade away and everything would return to a rainbow in the sky.

Once her parents and brother talked with Alex, reassuring her they would support her in finding a sports therapist, she could unclench her fist and somewhat relax.

1749566144What does your first sports therapy appointment look like for you?

Firstly, I meet with the parent or guardian to discuss any questions or concerns, as well as logistical matters such as cancellations, billing, and scheduling our initial appointment.

Secondly, I consistently include the teen and at least one parent or guardian in the first session for about 10-15 minutes to review the steps discussed during the meeting with the parent or guardian, ensuring alignment and forward progress.

In your initial sports therapy session…

…we’ll assess your needs and create a customized plan to address your goals and challenges. Following the initial session, you can expect regular follow-up appointments to track progress and adjust the treatment plan when necessary.

After the assessment, you’ll receive personalized recommendations and strategies to implement between sessions to support your progress.

I will collaborate with you to set achievable goals and milestones throughout the therapy process and provide guidance as you navigate challenges and progress toward your goals.

As Alex’s therapist, I recalled mentioning to one of the assistant coaches a few weeks into supporting Alex if they noticed any differences in her. Her coach stated, “Many players push through difficult moments, and Alex will be fine in a few weeks. Boy, I was wrong.”

57497446I tailor sessions to meet your teen’s needs.

Sessions are not cookie-cutter but thoughtfully prepared to cater specifically to their needs.

Throughout each therapy session, we prioritize understanding your teen athlete’s experiences, concerns, and aspirations, allowing us to craft interventions and strategies that resonate with them and facilitate meaningful progress in their athletic journey.

Each session with your teen athlete is carefully structured to target their specific concerns, such as mental resilience, performance anxiety, and coping strategies, to name a few.

The goal is to provide them with the personalized support they require.

What’s the next step?

Reach out; I’m available to chat.

As an athlete, I provide a complimentary 15-minute consultation, available through video chat. I encourage parents to join in and allow their teens to meet me. Meeting the therapist beforehand can help your teen feel more involved and at ease with the process before moving forward.

I’ve observed a change in the mindset of many athletes over time. Nowadays, more and more young athletes are realizing that seeking therapy and addressing mental health issues isn’t something to be ashamed of.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

*Name has been altered to maintain client confidentiality.