Therapy for Parents

1539525470Parenting comes with its share of difficulties.

It’s widespread to hear sentiments like, “I wish there were some training on how to be a parent.”

The truth is that parenting is undeniably challenging. Each child is unique, making relying on a one-size-fits-all approach impossible.

If you’re in the role of a parent, chances are you’re thinking,

“It’s strange; my child was always so open, but lately, they’ve been concealing things and fibbing constantly.”

Your child has all these feelings that won’t go away.

As a parent, you’ve understood that parenting isn’t a walk in the park. While you’ve always known it wouldn’t be easy, there are moments when you wish someone had forewarned you about the vast spectrum of emotional discomfort that comes with witnessing your child suffer.

715726852Single moms and dads confront challenging situations.

As a divorced mother of teen twins, Erica* and Eric*, Harper* was at her breaking point. She tirelessly worked to keep her family united, but things weren’t right.

Her daughter, Erica, had been exhibiting troubling behavior. She would explode in anger over minor requests and break down in tears at the slightest provocation.

One day, the School Dean and Social Worker reached out, revealing that Eric and three other students were in an empty classroom drinking alcohol.

These revelations prompted Harper to seek therapy for her daughter and son. Seeing her family in turmoil, she took it upon herself to hold them together.

Seek support and guidance for parenting challenges.

Adjusting to parenthood can indeed be a challenging journey. It’s not uncommon for parents to experience a range of difficult emotions and thoughts.

You might find yourself grappling with thoughts such as:

“Am I doing this all wrong?” “Other parents seem to have a better handle on this than I do.” “Am I losing sight of who I am?” “What if I’m not measuring up?” “I feel so anxious all the time.” “Parenthood is straining my relationship with my partner.”

You are not alone in experiencing these common thoughts shared by many parents. They may also come with symptoms of depression and anxiety, such as a general feeling of discomfort, heightened worry, disruptions in eating and sleeping habits, loss of interest in activities, and increased irritability, among others.

Seeking counseling as a parent offers invaluable support and guidance, deepening insight into your parenting approach. Remember, prioritizing your well-being is essential; you can’t effectively care for others without caring for yourself first.

You’ll receive tools and emotional assistance in a non-judgmental environment through counseling. Together, we’ll delve into how your parental role influences family dynamics and collaborate to develop strategies that enhance your support system.

478395865Your parenting journey begins here!

Perfection isn’t the goal. Remember, you are the ideal parent for your child. Whether you seek quick solutions or more profound insights into your parenting style and family dynamics, I’m here to guide you toward realizing your parenting aspirations.

Discover profound connections with yourself, your child, and your family as you seek support for your parenting journey.

Feel free to reach out and book a complimentary consultation.

*Names have been altered to maintain client confidentiality.